School Ethos
Our vision statement:
We at Bere Regis Primary and Pre-School work in partnership with parents to put children at the heart of learning.
We believe that every child is entitled to enjoy their childhood in a safe, secure and stimulating environment.
Children are valued and celebrated for their uniqueness, culture and heritage and are nurtured to achieve and develop their full potential.
We the staff, parents and governors aim to encourage each and every child in all aspects of learning by:
Working together as a team
Providing a rich and exciting curriculum
Ensuring smooth progression throughout the school
Meeting needs and catering for all abilities
Promoting curiosity and enthusiasm, independence and confidence
Encouraging awareness of rights and responsibilities, respect for others and self-esteem
Giving children opportunities to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them
Promoting a healthy lifestyle where children’s spiritual and moral development is nurtured
At Bere Regis Primary and Pre-school we give high priority to the teaching of Virtues to our children. Virtues are those qualities of character which help to nurture individuals who make positive contributions to our school and wider community. Virtues go beyond age, gender, race, nationality, religion or belief, ability or disability, poverty or wealth, intelligence, ideas of beauty and social status. They belong to everyone and are in all of us.
“The ultimate aim of character education is the development of good sense or practical wisdom: the capacity to choose intelligently between alternatives…
This capacity involves knowing how to choose the right course of action in difficult situations and it arises gradually out of the experience of making choices and the growth of ethical insight.” – The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham
Our Twelve Virtues
Whilst there are many virtues which are identified as universal, we have sharpened our focus to the twelve we feel are essential:
- Responsibility
- Courage
- Unity
- Kindness
- Respect
- Honesty
- Reflection and self-discipline
- Resilience and determination
- Patience
- Forgiveness
- Gratitude
- Fairness
Each Monday, our whole school assembly focuses on an aspect of each virtue theme. Themes run for a half term, and we explore personal, social and community aspects and invite the children to consider how each virtue applies to them. Class Teachers follow up on the themes with a weekly class-based assembly and they are also weaved into our PHSE lessons and our daily classroom practice. During our religious assemblies, on a Wednesday, Reverend Sandra links each virtue to a Bible story or aspect of Christianity.
At the end of each half term, we have a celebration assembly where one child from each class is chosen to have a special badge and certificate honouring them for showing the virtue in their behaviour.
It is so rewarding to hear the children in school using the language of the virtues, helping each other to understand the expectations and demonstrating their understanding in their actions.