Our last graded Ofsted inspection took place during 18th and 19th April 2023. The report highlighted the following strengths of the school:
- Pupils enjoy coming to school and attend regularly. Leaders prioritise their wellbeing. Pupils are safe and feel safe in the school.
- Pastoral support in the school is strong. Pupils know they have staff who will listen if they have concerns. The school ethos allows pupils to flourish and gain confidence.
- Leaders prioritise reading. From Reception onwards, pupils learn phonics in a systematic way. This helps every pupil, even the weaker readers, to become fluent.
- Pupils with complex needs receive individual support tailored to their requirements. Staff are skillful in managing behaviour and learning.
- Leaders have high expectations for the school. As a result, pupils behave well and care about each other. Older pupils support younger ones during social times. The headteacher, with support from the trust, has brought about many improvements.
The full report can be accessed by clicking the ‘Ofsted Report’ button below.
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